Clever Dripper


If you like your coffee from a French Press but are not keen on the particles that get into the brew, the Clever Drippper is the perfect solution for you. Coffee like from a French Press, but filtered through a paper filter. If you like your coffee from a classic pour-over - even better. The Clever Dripper will allow you to experiment a little more. Very easy to use, very repeatable. A great piece of equipment - both for starters and for advanced users.


The following are suitable for the dripper Moccamaster filters size 4.


1 in stock

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Shipping and firing
Accessories are dispatched immediately, unless you additionally order coffee that we do not currently have on the shelf.

We try not to keep coffee on the shelves for long, so if we don't have a particular coffee in stock, we have to replenish the order after the roasting days. We roast on Tuesdays and Thursdays, pack the coffee and send it out on Wednesdays and Fridays.

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